Normál kép: hu_b1_78_978_justice_f_hun_0076.jpg | Méret: 770x503 | Színmélység: 24bit | Felbontás: 300dpi |
Nagy kép: hu_b1_78_978_justice_f_hun_0076_nagykep.jpg | Méret: 2609x1703 | Színmélység: 24bit | Felbontás: 300dpi |
Képaláírás: Bethlen Gábor (Gabriel Bethlen), Hungarian Prince of Transylvania, who to the very last fought successfully against the Habsburgs and raised his own country, Transylvania (allotted to the Rumanians by the Peace Edict), to a very high level of culture. He was assisted by Hungarian and foreigns avants invited to his Court. - This painting by Madarász Viktor (Victor Madarász) shows Bethlen Gábor surrounded by his savants. |
Kapcsolódó dokumentum: Dózsa Géza: Bethlen Gábor tudósai körében |