Képaláírás: Tisztviselőtelep (literally "Clerks' Estate") is a housing estate having been erected at the south-east corner of present 8th district of Budapest from the 1880s on. The area which belonged to the former MÁVAG factory, main manufacturer of steam engines for the state owned Hungarian Railways, supplied dwelling facilities for workers and clerks employed there. Though the factory ceased to be work in its original form in 1959, the area has preserved its unique architectural unity up to the present day: the one-floor villas with small gardens, divided by wider streets have a distinguished air even today.
In photographic terms, houses on the corners of the streets are the most rewarding subjects, see another example taken nearby, or see one of the main churches of the area looking like a cathedral (but it isn't).
Ismertető szöveg: A Tisztviselőtelep ma Budapest VIII. kerületének része. Eredetileg a X. kerülethez tartozott, amikor 1887-ben megkezdődött a kertvárosias jellegű lakásépítés a Budapesti Tisztviselők Házépítő Egyesülete szervezésében. Az egykori MÁVAG vezetőinek jelentős része is itt lakott.
(Forrás: Wikipédia)